Tuesday, May 10, 2011


The word Zen is from the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese word Chan, which in turn is derived from the Sanskrit word Dhyana, which can be approximately translated as meditation or meditative state.

As referenced in an entry back in March, other words for root are:
origin, cause, source, core

Our garden is a vehicle...a meditation to bring us back to our core. 

 Our garden is a teacher and we the humble students quiet our minds as we experience what it has to convey through its life energy.
Whenever we enter, we step gently. As we work with or just enjoy being with the plants we silence our thoughts. 
 The dirt, the plants, the bugs, the sun, the air, the water...all calm our spirit and unite us with the oneness of life.
Peace comes to our souls through this realization...the oneness...the interconnectedness of all life. 
We learn to be patient, to let go of expectation, to enjoy this moment. 
Our garden is our friend ready to listen at a moments notice.
Our garden is our sanctuary...a refuge for our minds and bodies.
It is all this and more than words can ever describe.

Through a state of zen we tend to the garden which in turn
guides us to cultivate the garden within...


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