Friday, July 29, 2011

Summer Squash

The squash is loving the heat! We have yellow squash and zucchini.  

Summer squash are a subset of squashes that are harvested when immature (while the rind is still tender & edible).  All summer squashes are the fruits of the species cucurbita pepo, but they are considered vegetables in terms of culinary use.  The name summer squash refers to the short storage life of these squashes unlike that of winter squashes.

Yellow squash
Aren't the leaves beautiful?

Scientists have found seeds preserved in Mexican caves for more than 10,000 years!  It was that long ago when domestication of summer squash originated in Mexico and Central America.


The many health benefits of consuming squash include:
great antioxidant
blood sugar regulation
anti-microbial protection
prostate health support
anti-cancer benefits

The best way to cook them to retain their nutrients is to steam them.  We steam, saute, bake and eat them raw ..there are so many ways to enjoy and love squash!

*Update...after taking the pictures of the zucchini above, the leaves got some kind of an infection and started to die ):  so we had to pull them out to avoid spreading to other was heart wrenching but in peace zucchini plants...

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