Sunday, July 10, 2011

Conversing with the Radiant Carrot Tops

These carrot tops got my attention from across the lawn and as I approached they were literally asking to have their picture taken! 

Lit up by the light of the setting sun they glowed their magnificence.  
Have you listened to the plants lately?  Trees, bushes, flowers, vegetables... all life is alive...we know and accept that but do we slow down to listen to what they have to say?  They share their love with us and we just pass by.  Slow down...have a conversation with a tree or maybe some carrot may learn something.

We talk to our veggie buddies daily...encouraging them through this heat, thanking them, and we also listen...they tell us about their physical needs, they ask us to come visit, and they share their love freely and thank us in's a beautiful relationship and we all benefit.
Once we pull them out of the ground, I'll post pictures, but for now, we are enjoying our luminous carrot tops!

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