Sunday, June 12, 2011


If you recall we planted 3 different varieties of tomatoes.  The Early Girls are living up to their name and are already producing!

There's something about waiting for tomatoes to develop and ripen that is unexplainable.  Maybe it goes back to childhood...searching the plants for priceless jewels, or anticipating eating them, so red, juicy, and warm right off the plant...

An overwhelming joy exudes from daily trips to the garden watching the tomatoes increase and transform...from yellow flowers to small green buds maturing and changing colors...light green...yellowish...orangish...then the final RED!
2 will be ready to eat in the next few days!

 We actually had one tomato turn almost all red a few days ago...but alas our bird friends got to it before we could!
So we put up netting over the plants to keep the birds from finishing off our entire harvest!

Tomatoes are high in Vitamin C and A.  They also contain the B vitamins niacin and riboflavin, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, and recently we've all heard about tomatoes containing lycopene which has disease fighting abilities!  So go out and get some yummy ORGANIC tomatoes and enjoy!

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