Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1st and it's getting Hot!

We have already had some days over 100 degrees and it's not even summer we put up a shade covering for protection against the heat. 
 We used simple pvc piping, rope, and a sunscreen, which allows the sun to come through.
It covers only a portion of the garden to protect against the sun when it is overhead.  The east side of the garden has a lemon tree that offers shade in the mornings and the west side has the wall and two tall bushes that offer shade in the late afternoon.
So far this is working well...we may have to extend it once the summer is upon us and we reach consistent days over 100.
The plants are not the only ones enjoying the shade.  The other day we saw a male and a female quail nestled under the shade right in the middle of the garden!  She looked like she was going to lay eggs!  He was on one of the mounds... resting yet alert and on guard. They seemed perfectly comfortable and at home. 
The love is palpable in the garden and we welcome them to our space.
 May we all share our love in abundance and create a world of peace... 

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